My beloved father died August 2, 1998, also the 10th day of Av, which is Tisha B'av, the commemoration of the destruction of the second temple, during which the Book of Lamentations is read. My father died at the age of 64 of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The day he died the Blue Angels flew over the house as part of the show at nearby Hanscom Airforce Base. It seemed a fitting tribute to my father.
My father became an avid birder in the last several years of his life. He and a pal enjoyed spending time going to the Audobon Sanctuary and other places and watching birds. It was a relaxing contrast to his normally busy work schedule and gave him a much needed respite.
In honor of my father, George A. Kolovson, I have made a mandala in memory of him for my July BJP. If you read my blog, you will know that a little while ago I posted a photo of a birdbath that I can see from my computer window. Initially I thought that the birdbath was what I was beading. But as I beaded, it became apparent that I was really beading memories of my father.
Below you can see a mandala I drew shortly after my father died. In keeping with his love of birds, my parents back yard was designed to attract as many different birds as possible.

This mandala was drawn the day before my father died. I was sitting on the front steps of my parents home and started this mandala. Initially it was part of their garden, but if you use your imagination you can also see that I incorporated an oceany feel, because my father also loved the beach.

very lovely, Susan. It seems that the memory is still incredibly fresh in your mind. your beading is so pretty!
Yes, I certainly agree about how we sometimes start off in one direction (birdbath) and follow the beaded path into another direction (your Dad). For me it's one of the best things about the journaling concept behind the BJP.
My July BJP (here) was about missing my Dad. To see yours now gives me a strong sense of affinity to you. That you were with him when he died and that 11 years later you are still thinking about him and honoring your memories of him is very touching. Thank you, Susan!
Love n hugs, Robin
Hi Susan.
Certainly a fitting tribute to your father.
Of all the things I remember about my father the first that comes to mind is that we used to go bowling when I was young. Everyone always said he could have been a pro bowler because he bowled many 289 games.
What a beautiful way to remember your father.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
Such a lovely tribute to your father, Susan. One can feel the love and sense your peace in making this mandala.
Kathy V in NM
This is really beautiful, Susan. I was really moved by the memories that you shared about your father and the significance that you were with him when he died. Your piece beautifully conveys all the love and loss that you feel for your father.
I too am amazed by how much emotion is brought forth on our beading journeys.
I believed that your father may have been speaking to you through the birds and through the beads. Pay attention to when you notice the birds; at what moments do they appear, your Dad may indeed be sending you his love and a message.
What struck me was how similar in feeling the pieces that you drew the day before he died were to you bjp piece.
And so, it's true? You never stop missing him? My next piece is about my Mom again, I guess I'm not really over all that and I miss her so much every day.
Rejoice in the birds, Susan. Your piece and your post are beautiful in so many ways. xo Susan
Dear Susan,
I love when you write. You soul seems to sing to me. Thank you for sharing such beautiful memories of your father. I'm glad that your beading is so healing. I've also experienced that.
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