Last night I was very angry about something. Anger is not conducive to sleep, so I got out of bed, went to my bead room, pulled a few things together, sat on the floor and made this piece. I used markers in my least favored colors, project rejects, embroidery thread, which, when I got frustrated with using it on the needle, I just wrapped around the lacey's stiff stuff. I even left the needle in the piece. Was I less angry? Well, enough to go to sleep. And enough to get out of bed today and move on and leave some of the anger behind.
Wow, I guess you WERE mad. I can see the anger in this piece. It looks like anger. It looks like its going nowhere, just round and round and jumbled. Looks like our mind probably does when it can't think straight from anger. Glad you got it out and can move on.
I hope that by days end it will all be behind you and you have had at least most of a good day.
My gosh, Susan!!! This piece certainly looks like anger but I gotta tell you when I got to the part about leaving the needle in, I burst out laughing!!!!!!
Your awesome sense of humor managed to come through this post, young lady . . .
Kathy V in NM
Way to go!
Now that's some bead journaling!
Powerful anger! I hope the issues have been resolved.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
I was able to work out my anger issue. Making the piece that I did was so cathartic, it was dealing with my issue right in the moment. The next day I asked my son what he thought the emotion was. He took one look and said "anger." Thanks for all your comments.
WOW Susan! isn't it great to have something to look at now and say "that was my anger and it's all right there now?" I sure can relate to this page! Bet you felt A LOT better after doing it! Great page!
This is a very interesting idea...I'd like to explore this idea of emotionally beading in the moment...Like, next time, I'm feeling particularly angry or happy, sit down right away and make something without thinking...very thought provoking!
Goodness gracious! I'm so inspired by this piece and by the thought of you sitting on the floor beading your anger in the middle of the night. This pouring out of feelings must be a huge step toward new beginnings and peace. Big hugs, Robin
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