This is my April BJP. It is a yin-yang composition showing the snow still on trees and the bareness of the branches on one side, and the flowers that are starting to push up through the group that represent spring. It seems like the process from one season to the next takes so long, and then suddenly it's here. Spring is a season that helps me wake up again from the winter freeze. It gives me hope - for many things - that I made it through another winter, that our world is still intact, as battered as it is...and it fills me with beauty and awe of what nature can create.
Very pretty Susan! You truly represented what spring is all about! We actually had frost warnings this past weekend in Wisconsin! Everyone has been busily planting gardens and I think lots of plants will be killed because of planting too early! Goes to show you just never know. Beautiful beadwork and lovely choice of colors.
Susan, this is very creative thinking. I love the stark winter vs the breath of spring. So appropriate this late in the spring while most of us are still waiting for frost warnings to cease.
Your yin-yang interpretation of spring is something I never would have thought of. But it seems so right. I love the piece.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
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