The top mandala, titled "My Vein of Gold," is the first one I ever drew. I was hooked after this experience. It represented all the creative things I was looking for in my life, based on the book Vein of Gold by Julia Cameron.

These mandalas aren't really magic, but they are drawn with magic markers!
I don't get tired of seeing your mandalas... not one little bit! They are lovely, both the drawings with magic markers and the beaded representations of them! I'm so glad you're in the BJP and showing them on your blog!
About taking photos... Yes, it is difficult. I've been struggling with it for 20 some years. I've tried different cameras, different software and many different lighting arrangements. For the most part, the thing that works best for me is to take photos outside under slightly overcast skies. The color is more true than other lighting arrangements and if it is overcast enough (but not too much) the beads have good definition without being washed out. Keep trying!
Susan -- email me at for instructions to get that BJP button on your blog. I tried to find your email to no avail . . .
Kathy V in NM (who loves your mandalas no matter how you make them!)
I love your mandalas. I bought her The Artist's Way book. I guess I have to go add this one to my Amazon wish list. I don't know if even she can help me pull what's inside of me out but it's worth a try expecially if they look anything like yours.
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