October is in memory of my mother-in-law, Shorrie. After she died, several years ago, I was given a bag of some odds and ends that were hers. I recently looked through the bag, and decided to use some of the items for a journal page. The stones had been glued on to a bracelet and had fallen off. The pins are - top - a 10lb weight loss pin from Weight Watchers. She was a life member and probably had a lot more of these pins somewhere. The pin on the right is a life member pin for Hadassah, a Jewish women's organization. And the final pin is (I think) a nursing pin, although it has an anchor on it, so I'm not sure (if anyone knows what this is, please tell me). Above the nursing pin is a ring with a little glittery chip. I included that to represent love and marriage. Family was everything to my mother in law. I have included her initial, "S" on the bottom.

And finally, November. What can I say about this page? It represents Depression, an insidious and unwelcome disease that plagues me. I ran out of black thread (just my luck!)and decided to just leave it as it was.

I love your mandalas. How nice that you could do the piece for your MIL. It looks like she may have been a Navy nurse. I can identify with the last one easily. Anyone who has ever been depressed knows that black feeling. Great job!
Really detailed work. Love that tree. Can't say I love the black one but that's the point isn't it? Was your mother-in-law in the navy? That's what the pin looks like to me. You've done a great job.
I admire your ability and willingness to make that November mandala, Susan and hope that in doing so you were able to feel better. I only wish that my sister were able to do the same thing for herself.
Your tribute to your mother-in-law is wonderful and I bet that is a Navy nurse pin, too.
Your mandalas are always something I look forward to seeing . . .
Kathy V in NM
I like all your mandalas, but the depression one most, only 'cuz I know that feeling too for most of my life. I've beaded through lots of those episodes....
pam T (wisconsin)
I find your pieces very moving. There are so many emotions captured here. I especially like the view from the garden and the tribute to your mother in law. Having been through depression myself, I also appreciate the november piece, and admire your courage to face the feeling and share it.
Hey Susan, I love your Mandalas! The tree is perfect, what a lovely view you have & the one for your MIL is a beautiful tribute to her.
What can I say about the black one? There's a certain beauty there but maybe that's just the beads, I imagine it felt good to get that darkness out of your mind tho so that is a good thing. My DH has put a full spectum lamp in the living area for those grey, grey winter days we get here in the north west, to keep the S.A.D. at bay. It hits me hard & like you I don't want to be depressed & the light really helps
Your mandalas are so full of deep feelings. I hope your expressive beadwork brings you healing...
I like them all. I actually like the black one best and I agree, I would not do any more either. I have always counted black (in clothing, not so much in beading, although now I want to explore that some more in seeing your page as inspiration) as one of my favorite colors. To me it does not necessarily mean depression, however. I see that is the beauty of what we are doing and how our pages represent our own personal journaling, or rather what it means to each of us. Great work.
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