I have 3 month's worth of pages to share. This first one is September, and is my interpretation of the view to my neighbor's house. This was a fun page to do, and I wanted to capture the bright colors that inspired me to bead this .

October is in memory of my mother-in-law, Shorrie. After she died, several years ago, I was given a bag of some odds and ends that were hers. I recently looked through the bag, and decided to use some of the items for a journal page. The stones had been glued on to a bracelet and had fallen off. The pins are - top - a 10lb weight loss pin from Weight Watchers. She was a life member and probably had a lot more of these pins somewhere. The pin on the right is a life member pin for Hadassah, a Jewish women's organization. And the final pin is (I think) a nursing pin, although it has an anchor on it, so I'm not sure (if anyone knows what this is, please tell me). Above the nursing pin is a ring with a little glittery chip. I included that to represent love and marriage. Family was everything to my mother in law. I have included her initial, "S" on the bottom.

And finally, November. What can I say about this page? It represents Depression, an insidious and unwelcome disease that plagues me. I ran out of black thread (just my luck!)and decided to just leave it as it was.
I went to visit my mother and sister's in Arizona a few weeks ago. They live in Scottsdale and Anthem . I had a wonderful visit. This first photo is at a restaurant called Orange. It is a very funky place and has delicious food.
Here is a picture of my mother, resting on a bench during an art fair. She was still recuperating from foot surgery and could only do a little walking. So instead of looking at the art (which was great) she got to people watch, another kind of art in and of itself.
Here are my sisters, Sharon, on the left, and Toby, on the right. They are both wearing earrings that I made but you can only see Toby's. They are a design from a bead and button issue and very fun to make. She flattered me by wearing them because this girl is into Diamonds!
And finally, I had a pedicure, and the reason I took this photo of my now nice feet is because inside the white flower is a sparkly Swarovski flatback crystal!!! How cool is that?
I also visited 2 bead stores, Scottsdale Bead Supply and Bead World. SBS used to be in an old adobe house, crowded with all kinds of treasures. It had a personality and was fun to shop at. They have now moved into a large, brand new building with absolutely no character and no appeal (My personal opinion only). Bead World is a store in a shopping center, long and rectangular, but friendly and welcoming, plus the staff was delightful. I would go back there in a heartbeat.
I work on a portable bead tray, since I don't have a designated place to bead. I often sit in the living room on one of the chairs or the couch, at the kitchen table, or downstairs in the basement. I see I have a lot of beads here, but don't really see any projects, just a beaded bead I'm trying to figure out how to make.
I store my seed beads in the front hall closet (which I converted to a "crafts" closet years ago). I store size 11 beads by color, then put all triangles, 8's, 15's, and delicas in their own bin drawer. 
I recently moved my beads to one of my son's bedrooms. He is away at college and rarely comes home. As a matter of fact, it took him several hours to realize that something was "different" about his room. Since I'm only using a corner, things are still pretty crowded. The top photo shows some storage of beads and several containers of unfinished projects. I also have a huge bin of unfinished projects, a little embarrassing....
I was walking this morning and appreciating the color in some of the trees. Yellow and red stood out against the blue sky. In Michigan, the blue sky usually disappears by 11 am, but today it blessed us with its presence. I thought how beautiful the trees were, and how it is strange that they are at their most beautiful just before they die. So vibrant, so full of energy. They reminded me of the sometimes lucid and alert period that a person often goes through just before they die. And how that few minutes is often such a gift to the family, because that's what they remember. So, as we enter the winter season, one I dread because the trees have shed their leaves and look like skeletons, and because the sky is gray all the time, I will remember this walk and the beauty of the color and hold it with me through the long months.
It's been a full month since I posted. I have my September and October journal pages done, but November is turning into a challenge. I can't seem to motivate myself, or decide on anything - fabric vs. stiff stuff, one set of colors vs. another set. Every time I start I don't like what I do. So I am just waiting for a sign, an image, a light.
I have moved my beads into one of my son's bedroom. He was pretty surprised when he came home from school for a weekend and saw half his room filled with my beads. But he's not home a lot, just an occasional weekend, and I really need a place to call my own for my beads. Of course, moving them meant total reorganization, and I'm still not done. Maybe that's what's gotten in my way, that everything is different and not comfortable yet. Plus, I can't decide between storing beads in flippies (fliptop containers) or plastic bags. Seems like such a silly thing, but it makes a difference in the amount of space they take up and how I see the beads.