October is in memory of my mother-in-law, Shorrie. After she died, several years ago, I was given a bag of some odds and ends that were hers. I recently looked through the bag, and decided to use some of the items for a journal page. The stones had been glued on to a bracelet and had fallen off. The pins are - top - a 10lb weight loss pin from Weight Watchers. She was a life member and probably had a lot more of these pins somewhere. The pin on the right is a life member pin for Hadassah, a Jewish women's organization. And the final pin is (I think) a nursing pin, although it has an anchor on it, so I'm not sure (if anyone knows what this is, please tell me). Above the nursing pin is a ring with a little glittery chip. I included that to represent love and marriage. Family was everything to my mother in law. I have included her initial, "S" on the bottom.

And finally, November. What can I say about this page? It represents Depression, an insidious and unwelcome disease that plagues me. I ran out of black thread (just my luck!)and decided to just leave it as it was.