Nikia Angel, designer of the fabulous Sparkly Wheel, is writing a book about them. I've had the pleasure of meeting Nikia, and she brought a bag filled with what seemed like hundreds of Sparkly Wheels. The necklace above, and detail below, was one of my attempts at her wheel.

The necklace below is my "Beach Spiral." Knowing how much I like spirals by now, you should not be surprised that both the necklace above, which I probably made 7 or 8 years ago, and one I just finished, are spirals. The one below has fringe on it, with some sea shell-type beads and other sandy colored beads, plus a little pink and green.

Here's some detail. It's hard to photograph a spiral fringe necklace because the fringe doesn't lay flat, but that's part of what makes it interesting.