Tuesday, July 31, 2007
embroidery on beading

Monday, July 30, 2007
strap completed

Saturday, July 28, 2007
ideas needed!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Remembering Dad
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tagged by Freebird
Five things that attract me to the opposite sex: I like men who listen and look at me while I'm talking, who have interests outside of work, who can tell a good joke (because I can't), and who do what they say they are going to do.
Five celebrity crushes: John Cusack - I think he's a great actor, Meryl Streep - she is like a chameleon, she becomes whatever role she plays.
What questions would I prefer? Five artists I like, Five ways I can help improve the world (or just my little corner of it), Five favorite books, Five favorite foods. So maybe in another entry I'll answer these questions.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Campfire Girl Bracelet

I read on someone's blog about her stringing beads on a bracelet when she was a Campfire Girl. That reminded me of my days as a Bluebird, probably around 5th or 6th grade.
We made a vest using beads, felt, and badges. I don't remember what any of them represent anymore. The picture above in felt is my Indian (I think) name, but again, I don't remember what it is.
Okay, I did a little research and have come up with the meanings of the beads:
Elective Honors form the basis of Camp Fire work. These honors may be won in seven crafts, each craft being symbolized by a distinctively colored bead.
Home Craft--Flame colored honors, as fire has been the center of the home.
Health Craft--Red honors (red blood).
Camp Craft--Brown honors (woods).
Hand Craft--Green honors (creation, growing things).
Nature Lore--Blue honors (blue sky).
Business--Yellow honors (gold).
Patriotism--Red, white and blue honors. Since I grew up in an historic town, it was not hard to receive red, white, and blue honors. Every Patriot's Day, April 19th, our camp fire group would march in the parade on Mass. Ave to the Green. Anyone growing up in New England knows that the Green, or the Common, is the center of activity in a town. It is usually surrounded by churches and some of the original houses of the town. In Lexington, in addition to 3 churches, there is also an old tavern, the Belfry Tower (where the bell was rung), the statue of John Parker (the Minuteman) who famously said "Do not shoot until you see the white's of their (British)eyes," and a few other historic mementos.
Sunday, July 8, 2007